By Sam Slotsky

Function Pipelines in TypeScript

It happens frequently in software: you have a multi-step process that gets broken into many mini-processes. Each one is operating on the same input object, with some processesaugmenting the object in some way. Middleware chains are a well known example, but for the sake of this post, let's talk about something more people can relate to. Of course I'm talking about pizza! 🍕

In a pizza kitchen, a raw pizza crust gets sent down the line, where it eventually gets sauce, cheese, and toppings. These changes have to be applied in a certain order before being sent to the oven! If a pizza requires sauce, then it can't be sent to the cheese station before that sauce is applied. So how could we model something like this in software? In this post, I'll leverage TypeScript's type system to define and chain together sequential mini-processes where the constraints are enforced and satisfied by the inputs and outputs of our function definitions.

Example API Usage

Every pizza place decides for itself which order to do things in. When the pizza arrives at a station, it's a pretty big problem if it's missing items that should have already been added. We could define sauce, cheese, and various toppings as optional fields on a pizza object, but if I wanted to design an API to build this pizza, I'd prefer to have those constraints reflected in my type definitions, rather than have each mini-process operate on a generic pizza object with a bunch of optional fields. Maybe something like this?

const pizzaBuilder = pizzaBuilder(makeRawCrust(order));
  .add((crust: RawCrust) => {
    return addSauce(order, crust);
  .add((sauced: CrustWithSauce) => {
    return addCheese(order, sauced);
  .add((cheesed: CrustWithSauceAndCheese) => {
    return addToppings(order, cheesed);

Here we feed a RawCrust into a pizzaBuilder, and then add onto it one mini-process at a time. Each call to add takes a process function, but it's important to note that it can't be just any function! Here are the type constraints:

  1. The input to the first processor must be the same type that was passed to the builder (in this case, RawCrust)
  2. The input to any other processor must by the same type as the output of the previous processor
  3. The cook() function returns the finished product


There's two problems to solve:

  1. Implement the API constraints with TypeScript types
  2. Execute the processors

The first is far more interesting so we'll start there. We'll also assume that what we're buiding might be useful for more than just cooking great pizza, so we'll make the names and initial inputs a bit more generic.

Enforcing the type chain

For starters, we define a workflow generator that requires some initial input. We'll also define the concept of a processor function that takes a generic input and output.

type Processor<Input, Output> = (input: Input) => Output;
function workflow<InitialInput>(input: InitialInput) {}

Now let's generalize the problem of how to chain the functions together. In TypeScript, there is no way to declare a sequence of functions where the output of F[n] is the same type as the input of F[n + 1]. So instead we'll define three generic types: Input, Output, and NextInput. These types will allow us to define a function that can dynamically build upon itself each time it's used.

function process<Input, Output>(
  processor: Processor<Input, Output>
) {
  function next<NextInput>(
    nextProcessor: Processor<Output, NextInput>
  ) {
    return process(nextProcessor);
  return next;

Note that this doesn't execute our processors yet. It only allows us to chain the definitions together, like this:

process((initialInput: {}): { thing: number } => {
  return { thing: 42 };
})((input): { stringyThing: string } => {
  return { stringyThing: input.thing.toString() };

In this example we have two processes that modify what started as a blank object. We're almost where we want to be with this API already, we just need to make it look a bit more like the pizza example and make sure that the input type for the first processor matches our initial input.

function workflow<InitialInput>(input: InitialInput) {
  function process<Input, Output>(
    processor: Processor<Input, Output>
  ) {
    function next<NextInput>(
      nextProcessor: Processor<Output, NextInput>
    ) {
      return process(nextProcessor);
    return { process: next };
  function first<Output>(
    processor: Processor<InitialInput, Output>
  ) {
    return process(processor);
  return { process: first };
  .process((input) => {
    return { ...input, thing: 42 };
  .process((input) => {
    return {
      stringyThing: `the meaning of life is ${input.thing}`,
  .process((input) => {
    return {
      againButLouder: input.stringyThing.toUpperCase(),

This accomplishes the type chaining. All that remains is to build in a way to execute these processors in sequence.

Executing the chain

Again, let's generalize the problem. We have a sequence of functions where the output from F[n - 1] becomes input to F[n]. So for any function in the sequence, we can think of all the previous functions as a single function. In other words, if a given step has a processor, its build step might look like this:

function step<Input, Output>(
  buildPrevious: () => Input,
  processor: Processor<Input, Output>
) {
  function build(): Output {
    return processor(buildPrevious());
  return { build };

In the example above, buildPrevious() executes all the previous processors. If we copy the type chaining that we saw earlier into the step abstraction above, the solution starts to take shape:

function step<Input, Output>(
  buildPrevious: () => Input,
  processor: Processor<Input, Output>
) {
  function build(): Output {
    return processor(buildPrevious());
  function process<NextOutput>(
    nextProcessor: Processor<Output, NextOutput>
  ) {
    return step(build, nextProcessor);
  return { build, process };

So now if I have a step, I can call step.process(someProcessor) to generate the next step in the chain, and becomes the buildPrevious() function for the nextStep. We now have a recursively executing chain of processors that only needs a seed: 🌱

function workflow<InitialInput>(input: InitialInput) {
  function process<FirstOutput>(
    processor: Processor<InitialInput, FirstOutput>
  ) {
    return step(() => input, processor);
  return { process };

You can try a working example of this at the TypeScript Playground 🚀 I encourage you to play around with the type definitions going in and out of your processor functions as you imagine any realistic, contrived, or completely ridiculous scenarios that it could apply to.


This post used a simplified example to demonstrate how TypeScript can be leveraged to build a strongly typed function pipeline where the output of each function is used as the input to the next. There are probably a dozen ways that it could be made more practical, including accounting for async functions and increasing robustness with some form of resumability or other error recovery. It's also worth noting that a pipeline like this requires all processors to operate on a single input, which is hard to work around given the fact that a function can only return a single output.

And of course, we'll probably never use this to build a delicious pizza. But I do think that a scheme like this could make a useful API for middleware chaining or other commonly used abstractions like workflow processors and step functions. The zod validation library has some similar features in its validation chaining API, where the output of the validation callback is the return type of the validation function. Perhaps by no surprise, it was also an inspiration for this post.

I hope you will find this technique useful for a problem that you need to solve, or that you perhaps learned a new trick with TypeScript generics. In any case, thanks for reading!